Saturday, November 27, 2010

5 things you really don't need to take a photo of

1.Bathroom or just Mirror Pictures

:seriously?? no other place? camwhore much?


:it's like you want to remind the people that your relationship went really well by posting pictures of you hugging or smashing your lips together like big greasy walruses . Disgusting. i don't find it sweet lah! go get a room! cheap much?


: seriously, the concert pictures look like a blurry shit-smear of rainbow sherbet icecream. instead of enjoying the show, donju think you actually spent half the night sticking your crappy camera phone in the air trying to immortalize the moment? heh


:I know e food at the time looks appetizing and you were hungry- so you think that its picture -worthy ( to take a pic of e food) but donju think its quite forgettable? and can't you just enjoy the food?


:it's like you're trying to show the entire world that your lives are crazy and exotic just because you go to bars and drink cocktails while squealing like slutty orang utans.

notes: you can sue me, but i have the defence of fair comment and your pictures are open to the public. so deal with it bitches.

caution: unauthorized reading could potentially result in harmful side effects such as eye twithing, sudden memory loss, dry mouth and butt acne. thank you for reading this =)

Friday, November 26, 2010

5 things what you need to stop tweet/facebook about:

1. what you are eating
Johny Bravo i just had mee mamak for breakfast. LOL.

2. the conference or event you are at
Johny Bravo is attending 'bengkel penulisan ilmiah at Wisma Sejarah'
: seriously, no one outside the conference gives a crap about that

3.about your workout
Johny bravo i just played futsal 3 hours non stop. another game tonight
:because you're talking about it just to impress people about how active you are.

4.You dont have to talk about your couple, kids, cats, goats, chickens etc
:your spouse or your pet is the world to you but to everyone else: do we look like we care?

5.emotional breakthrough
: i think its funny when someone updates their status with a depressing quote or about something bad happened, and then people like it.
what is more annoying when people tried to show their concern about what had happened, the said person just commented: oh nothing.
this reminds me of a celebrity-he is a person who works hard all of their life to become well known, and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


it's not that cool neways...

I was in singapore for a few days and i wanted to buy an ipad- to replace my old laptop. the iPad, which is a tablet computer, supposedly a cross between a smartphone and a laptop will apparently make web browsing, email, photo sharing, watching videos, listening to music, playing games and reading ebooks better.
i wanted to buy it since its cheaper than a laptop and its very convenient. however i'm kinda disappointed with it as many basic features are not available on it:

1. no camera: no front-facing camera for video conferencing, no back-facing camera for taking pictures. phone calls- although it has the cellular networks and a microphone, you cant make phone calls nor sms.

3. no multitasking- you cant listen to the music and facebooking at the same time. usb port- you cant insert any thumb drive

5. No adobe flash player available.

conclusion: sucks big time. blergh....

Be my master Tyler Burden...

and he said : sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken

what he meant- you cant change who you are by adding things to yourself. you can wear cool clothes and drive a cool car, but remember only the clothes and car are cool. not you. are still the fucking sucker who paid a fortune for the clothes and car to support the company who sold it to you and owners of the company. for example, if you stay at a 5 star hotel like Hilton, does that make you cool? No. You're a sucker because the money goes to Paris Hilton and her family and others who own the hotel. You are still a 3rd world monkey, working hard so that all the Paris Hiltons of the world don't have to work. Sucker much?

: this is from the movie- Fight club. its an old movie. Watch the film. if you x think it's worth, continue watching Harry Potter, buy the nice car and compete with your friends about how much money you make.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bitch Fight

Bitches are everywhere these days. so what to do now?
as women gain more equality in the society, so has their belief that they are entitled to a whole lot and more... and that they can get it if they want it. it's a cat-eat-cat world out there and only the bitchiest survives. ( and where are the men in all of this? the answer is: THEY ARE ENJOYING THE SHOW)

today's bitch is more dangerous than ever before. i know someone who i can call her a Bitch Goddess. oh wait i know people. not only one person. heh. so they will crush your spirits, break your will and you'll cry with the sheer force of her words.

you may think that bitches have no friends.- NOT TRUE.
*Bitches make friends best with other bitches (unless they are in competition with them), giving each other group power and collective attitude.*
you may also think the world hates bitches.- NOT TRUE.
*the world loves bitches so long as they don't have anything to do with them directly which is fine by bitches bcoz thats just what they want: to be left pursue their ambitions, to hell with anyone who gets in their way.*

there's not much you can do about them but you can learn how to manage them.

1. Remain CALM at all the times.
Bitches love it when their actions generate emotional responses, (it's part of the reasons why they become bitches anyway. they like DRAMA) they want to see you angry, to see you cry, to see you scream, to see you break. and DONT LET THEM DO THIS.
another trait of a classic bitch is that she's never satisfied with bitching to just one person.-and with your action like this, you'll be left in peace. but beware perhaps she'll be back.

2. Dont let them smell your fear.
most of the bitches stay away from men. bcoz they know from experience that a man still has the more spiteful tongue between the sexes (its true) and can easily turn their bitchiness against them.
Bitches hunt for girls weaker than them. coz every woman's spirit they crush today gives them a a good bitch-boost and makes them feel damn gooooood.

3. Let the bitch have her way
it doesnt mean you're losing. if you don't have a reason to get into a fight with her, why not let her have things her way? besides saving you the stress of a catfight in which you have nothing to win, letting her have her way serves another purpose: it defuses her.
dont you feel like Bitches are immature? and avoid involve in any of their cheap drama.
so ya, why not kick back with the guys and enjoy the show? =)

ps:bitch goddess sounds sexy no? =B

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My playlist -18/11/2010

1. We'll be alright - Travis Mccoy
2. All around the world - Joe Flizzow
3. Medicine - Plies feat Keri Hilson
4. Rocketeer - Far East Movement feat RyanTedder (One Republic)
5. Counting the days- Good Charlotte
6. After midnight (it''ll burn) - Travis McCoy
7. Love is not a competition - Paramore.
8. That look you give that guy - the Eels
9. Act like nothing had happened- Top big bang
10. Your love is a song - switchfoot
11. Dog days are over - Florence and the Machine
12. choose you- Stan Walker

i wish boredom and fatness would betray me once in a while...

I use the word "fat." I use that word because that's what people are: they're fat. They're not bulky; they're not large, chunky, hefty or plump. And they're not big-boned. Dinosaurs were big-boned. These people are not overweight: this term somehow implies there is some correct weight... There is no correct weight. Heavy is also a misleading term. An aircraft carrier is heavy; it's not fat. Only people are fat, and that's what fat people are! They're fat! and so do I....

Boredom Buster...

besides gaining weight and watching tv, theres nothing much that i can do at home.- and ya being a maid too,i wish boredom would betray me every once in a while. i need to kill boredom.i gotta man!

anyways, i asked random questions and you know how this works.

here are the couple of questions i asked:

Is he thinking of me now?

Will i score 3.6 -GPA?

Am i going to New Zealand?

Am i gonna be a lawyer?

Oh howabout a Banker?

Am i getting married at the age of 27?

oh 28?

Then 25?

haish is this true?

then is he the one for me?

i have a dream. at the age of 25, i'll achieve it?

and many more questions...i know its childish or bogus? i dont believe in it. i just want to kill boredom.

i suggest you do e same when you're bored? haha. =)

thanks to Renz.

ps: why the hell did i ask about marriage? well its just for fun.? haha.