Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein

Our Prime Minister, Dato' Najib who is also a Finance Minister yesterday issued a football gambling license to the Berjaya Group.
seriously i don't know the reason behind this. why the government allow such act to be legalized.

Awang Adek, the Deputy Finance Minister said the government was looking seriously at the illegal gaming activities as they could lead to illegal money lending, organised crimes, smuggling and money-laundering. So, the government will give serious consideration on the matter and action should be taken effectively to combat illegal bookies, that is, by allowing the football betting to be carried out legally.

i just can say that the government is taking the easiest way to deal with the illegal activities. under Article 3 of Federal Constitution, Islam is the religion of Malaysia. and we can say that Malaysia is a Muslim . Question is; is this how a Muslim should act? allow gambling in our life? yes you can say the Gambling is only open to the non Muslim. but there's no doubt that Muslims do involved too. come on look inside a club for example. 76% clubbers in Malaysia are Muslims. so of course there are big possibilities Malays are going to join the betting game too.

There is a case of Halimatus Saadiah when she's not allowed to wear purdah. the reason is it would create something like public disorder. Is not it funny how the world is? You allow gambling, but disallow one practicing his/her own custom/religion. let's say when Mr.Awang Adek said that by allowing the football betting to be carried out legally, it can avoid to illegal money lending, smuggling and money laundering. you know, before this we still have the issues of ALONG without involving in the betting game. and how on earth you can say the money used in betting game is legal - i mean according to Islam. it's like you're saying it's ok to drink alcohol as long as you're not drunk. the problem is, the act itself is forbidden already.so how could you legalized it?

i am neither a good Muslim. but think about the consequences of allowing this betting game to be allowed. This is also from the aspect of morality. People will use this excuse to gamble. and they will lose their money. tell me 5 reasons the advantages of Gambling itself. i understand when the government wants to give free condoms to the drug addicts. at least they still can list out the advantages. but Gambling??

i think what the government should do is upgrade the law. not by allowing this thing to be ok to be practiced. we have the law, we have the rules. try to respect and abide the rule. isnt it funny a case where one commit theft for rm 400 got punishment for 10 years imprisonment compared to the one who had commit fraud RM 2.8 million but got punishment ony 2 years imprisonment?

oh what a funny world~


  1. this world is too effed up.nuff said.the crazy ones get to be the leader.

  2. yeah and sadly i dont believe in anyone else too. its politics. its dirty. thats why politics are like diapers. always need to change =B

  3. exactly.politic is way dirtier than a mob's organisation.at least we know that the mobs are criminals but these politicians are criminals masquerading as the ones that supposedly help people.they're disgusting and shouldn't live!
