Saturday, October 9, 2010

There's only one thing more frustrating than not being able to find someone, and that is not being find me please?

where are you?
My heart's heavy fallin,
we used to talk on the phone all night,
how we have so many things to say back then,
how are you doing?
am worried about you,
why can't you just show that you want me?
can't u give a little extra efforts for this?

am i supposed to laugh like there's nothing wrong?
you're not different from the others....
you left..


  1. tidak salah jika kita yang dulu mulakan bicara...menunggu sesuatu yang tak pasti..adalah lebih baik jika kita pastikannya sendiri supaya kita benar2 pasti...

  2. I found you. Sorry it took a while bhidda
