Saturday, April 24, 2010

When the Sun rises, it rises for Everyone...

Social Contract.
In this brave new world, people write about things without proper research. For example like social contract. How people nowadays criticize about this concept and 1 Malaysia. They claimed since its 1 Malaysia, all the citizens should be given the equal rights.

True in Malaysia Federal Constitution, it does not mention about Malay Rights. But it obviously states about the special position of Malay. Impliedly gives the malay certain privileges which other races do not enjoy. For example the Malays have Malay Reserve Land where the land can only be occupied by the Malay and any dealings made with non malay shall be held void. Same goes to education. Mostly in IPTA- UITM for example, its not open for non malay. And for example if there’s a malay who got 10As compared to a Chinese who got 12As in SPM, the priority of scholarship is given to the Malay rather than the Chinese. How fair is this?

With all these privileges, how well the Malays are doing?

For malay reserve Land, only noted on the title- owners of malay reserve lands do not enjoy any special privilege in matters of quit rents and other forms of revenue payable to the authorities. They get no special priority when they wish to develop their surplus agricultural lands into housing projects. Instead they face a restricted market. Compared to freehold land, freehold land has far more better value. And non malay still can purchase the land with the state Ruler’s permission. So there’s not much about this privilege.
When it comes to education- I do agree that Malays are lucky. Unfortunately they don’t appreciate this. However looking at working perspectives, private sectors especially, they prefer non malay or those who can speak mandarin working for them.

As Tun Mahathir said: We should appreciate the wisdom of the leaders of the Malays, the Chinese and the Indians who laid the foundation of inter-racial cooperation for their beloved country. For those who claimed about all these unfairness, think about the history- the social contract- the reason, the effect and the current situations now. Try to compare with other countries for example Indonesia- Chinese, Indians, Malays- they are all the same. They only speak one language ie the bahasa Indonesia. They only have one type of school- not like us- sekolah jenis kebangsaan etc. Malaysia do not totally abolish your rights to your origin.

Confucius: When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self.

In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently- because all of us are different. The cultures, the religions etc. even with all other things being equal, tall people use more soap. =)

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