Saturday, April 24, 2010

I'm as Cuddly as handgrenade...

Sigh… it happened a few days ago.

My parents fetched me from work and on the way back home, we stopped at this ‘gerai goreng pisang’. Then my step father talked to this guy. He’s not really well- mentally retarded. (note: this is not sarcasm. It’s the truth) then he suddenly acknowledged mom and i. and then he kinda like... i don't know but he creeps me out. he asked for my no and mom gave my grandmother's no.

Later we went back home and mom couldn’t stop teasing me. 11 miscalls appeared on my grandma’s phone. Guess who? =_=’ uhuh it’s him. He texted: night. Awk tgh buat apa?

i didn't do anything since ya la he's like that. and they just kept teasing me. Till yesterday, he appeared in front of my house and waited there for a couple of minutes and he left a letter. T-T- yes the picture on the right is his letter. exhibit A and B

The whole family couldn’t stop laughing and mom even asked me to call my real father to get his ‘walli’ and sang e wedding song. My family- seriously this really entertains them. i might tell him today that i already have a fiance and i'm getting married after i graduate. ( HECK NO. i dont even have a friggin boyfriend, whatmore MARRIAGE is not even exist in my life dictionary.)

But then kan, looking at his situation, do you think he’ll understand? What if he suddenly attacks me today if I don’t show up-since he knows my house? In addition, the place that he wants to see me- a murder just took place 2 months ago at the same spot. I know I am sadistic. But this is not cool man.

For sure, I am not going to see him. If he comes again and do weird stuffs- can I actually sue for something like sexual harassment? Oh maybe trespassing. – to my house. And I can ask for specific injunction 500 metres maybe? He has the defence of mentally retarded but till the court give the judgment, I can ask for ex parte (one side)- the injunction so he can’t do anything. gaah~ I don’t know. Protection from family?- I doubt. Friends?- they are far away…… oh Lord , give me strength to escape from this follower today. Amen~



  1. Tash! OMG, kesian giler! how are you gonna go anywhere? since he's following you?

  2. i don't know aj. i don't know...and hes totally a psiko.i don't think i'm going anywhere. the annoying part is my FAMILY! i even cried yesterday. psiko
