Monday, September 6, 2010

Life 1 coin, 2 sides....

as i posted earlier about how our life is like a coin, i found this article written by Ray Falling:

The coin in His wallet

The way I think of it, a human life can be seen as a coin. Life, like the coin as you know, has two sides. We universally call these sides ‘good’ and ‘evil’.
These sides are always there, in every life and on every coin. They are always back to back but never see eye to eye. They coexist and know of the other’s presence, but can rarely be seen at the same time.

Every ‘coin’ [life] has its own pre-defined value. Some coins have a greater value assigned to them than others, and can be used to achieve more than coins of smaller value. Yet, as many religions will tell us, when all stuck in the same wallet, every coin is the same. They are all made from the same material, by the same creator, with the same two-sidedness.
There is nothing wrong with having more value either, and coins of smaller value can together achieve the same results (or more). At the same time coins of greater value can be broken down into lesser valuable ones.

The value of your worth
So we have a coin with pre-defined value. Its worth may change during periods of good or bad times, but its basic value remains the same. It is made with a certain purpose in mind, and that purpose will never change. Only when its value changes because of good or bad times it may be harder or less hard to live up to its purpose.
In other words, the human life is always worth the same, but the events that occur during such a life may affect how and if its purpose is lived up to.

Like money must roll, life must flow. Money that is not spent is money that does not live up to its purpose. A life that is not lived is a live that does not live up to its purpose. Both would be horrible wastes, since there is no other use for your coin or your life. They would both literally be worthless.

Breaking down into change

So what is it that gives us our worth? Is it the things we buy or is it the goods we sell?
Imagine your life to be a coin which’s worth is equal to that of a 100 cents [don’t worry, I don’t really think you are that cheap]. Now break your life down into smaller coins. In fact, break it down to those 100 cents exactly. That is a lot of coins right? So how do we determine our worth?

Life has so many aspects to it. Not every aspect may appeal to our needs as much as the other. And that is a good thing too because we have only 100 cents to spare. So which aspects of life are we going to invest in?
This is up to you. You can base your spending on any aspect that appeals to you; any aspect that goes well with your pre-defined value. There is a reason why those aspects appeal to you in the first place. They can help you live up to your purpose.
You can spend any and all of those 100 cents in any way you like. It is all those aspects that make up for your worth.
Spending all those cents in the wrong places though would mean not living up to your purpose and thus not having credit for your worth. You would be bankrupt! Figuratively speaking of course; you would not be very happy.
So if you are smart you invest in your future; invest in the things that give you honest joy and bring you happiness.

Back to the other side

So we determined that every life has its own pre-defined value and that we are free to spend it however we see fit. Now let us go back to the idea that life, like the coin, has two sides [in life’s case good and evil].
There can never be a one side only, and the two sides can never show face at the same time.
After all, if one side were to become heavier, the coin - if flipped - would always fall face down on the heavier side. It is not even coincidence, it is pure law of nature.
If we were to allow our evil side to become heavier, our life would continue to fall face down to the ground with little or no hope in sight. It would literally see no light at all and the burden of its own weight would keep it down.
In that same respect, if we were to allow our good side to become heavier, we might become equally blind to the other side that is with us. We would never see the evil coming, yet it is right there behind our backs.

It sounds a bit like there is never a right way for the coin to fall then doesn’t it? The beautiful thing about things that have two sides is that there is always a point of balance. One should aspire to find that point of balance in life to help them live up to their value...

: i agree with the writer. Well, you can't know good if you don't know evil and vice versa. People do evil things, and depending on a person's values, one might decide to continue to do evil things or take the opposite route.

We must explore different roads before we can say which one we like best and leads to the most rewarding destination. you see, if everyone's nice, who are we going to call bitch, bastard and asshole? and life is boring without challenges. but the most important thing is, dont easily judge this person is nice or not... who are we to judge e quality of a good behavior?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once- Lilian Dickson

Getting dumped as a teenager and getting dumped as an adult...
u know, getting dumped at ANY age is hard. doesn't matter. the only clear difference being: as an adult you'll have lots to keep you occupied, but as a kid...we're talking drag, drag, drag.

getting dumped feels really hard and can seem someone just cracked and broken a giant raw egg into your world. i mean, who's ready to sit and listen to a row of sentences that basically form the same message. however cleverly put together? it all means the same thing ie REJECTION.
and this hurts. A LOT.

you might hear the old analogy: 'there's plenty more fish in the sea' or bak kata pepatah melayu, kumbang bukan seekor/ bunga bukan sekuntum quite a bit and want to thump one of the many mouths it comes out of.
but am gonna say just like this, just because of this particular idiotic, silly mofo wouldnt know a good thing if it hit him in the face, does in no way mean a smarter, better guy isn't out there waiting just for you.

good news is the hurt does leave the building, decreasing little by little each day. you go from thinking about this guy every waking moment, to thinking about him one hundred and fifty times a day, then one hundred and forty nine, then one hundred and forty eight. a little less each day until its down to nothing.
it's the only life you've got. so please dont spend it thinking and hurting about someone else who isn't actually worth e hassle...

there's this catch phrase that i always use: life sucks and then you die. imagine living every day with that philosophy. the truth is life is what you make it....

ps: my post- exercise right, eat right and die neways: i hate exercising. i hate diets. and am happy the way i live. full stop.

It's a good thing we have gravity, or else when birds died, they'd just stay right up there...

i have always loved gardening... it makes me feel calm and love living nature. ('thanks' to the stalker, i cant do this anymore) my point here is if you notice the concept of the living nature is just the same like ours. i read this poem about nature( i dont remember the title but it's stayed with me now. oh oh i just came across to this poem. i am not that poetic and reading law is enough for me).
now, how did it go....?
look in your garden. if you don't have one, look into someone's else. if you see a flower, a weed even, any of these, look closely at the color, smell the scent ( if there is one)
that flower or weed will definitely need sunshine to grow- common sense. but if it gets too much, it can burn, then wither away, the dried remnants sinking into the compost.
the plant will basically need rain too, so it can drink and then grow into the wild, beautiful living thing it's destined to become. a bit of sunshine here, a bit of sunshine there, both workin in some type of natural harmony.

what i think that poem was trying to say is that : there will be times when you get rained on, when the weather's bleak and perhaps seems never ending. but it simply can't always be about the sunshine. it can't...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We're small creatures