Getting dumped as a teenager and getting dumped as an adult...
u know, getting dumped at ANY age is hard. doesn't matter. the only clear difference being: as an adult you'll have lots to keep you occupied, but as a kid...we're talking drag, drag, drag.
getting dumped feels really hard and can seem someone just cracked and broken a giant raw egg into your world. i mean, who's ready to sit and listen to a row of sentences that basically form the same message. however cleverly put together? it all means the same thing ie REJECTION.
and this hurts. A LOT.
you might hear the old analogy: 'there's plenty more fish in the sea' or bak kata pepatah melayu, kumbang bukan seekor/ bunga bukan sekuntum quite a bit and want to thump one of the many mouths it comes out of.
but am gonna say just like this, just because of this particular idiotic, silly mofo wouldnt know a good thing if it hit him in the face, does in no way mean a smarter, better guy isn't out there waiting just for you.
good news is the hurt does leave the building, decreasing little by little each day. you go from thinking about this guy every waking moment, to thinking about him one hundred and fifty times a day, then one hundred and forty nine, then one hundred and forty eight. a little less each day until its down to nothing.
it's the only life you've got. so please dont spend it thinking and hurting about someone else who isn't actually worth e hassle...
there's this catch phrase that i always use: life sucks and then you die. imagine living every day with that philosophy. the truth is life is what you make it....
ps: my post- exercise right, eat right and die neways: i hate exercising. i hate diets. and am happy the way i live. full stop.
agree with u tash! waste of time thinking about unnecessary things or people! dorang happy and we're not..