Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's a good thing we have gravity, or else when birds died, they'd just stay right up there...

i have always loved gardening... it makes me feel calm and love living nature. ('thanks' to the stalker, i cant do this anymore) my point here is if you notice the concept of the living nature is just the same like ours. i read this poem about nature( i dont remember the title but it's stayed with me now. oh oh i just came across to this poem. i am not that poetic and reading law is enough for me).
now, how did it go....?
look in your garden. if you don't have one, look into someone's else. if you see a flower, a weed even, any of these, look closely at the color, smell the scent ( if there is one)
that flower or weed will definitely need sunshine to grow- common sense. but if it gets too much, it can burn, then wither away, the dried remnants sinking into the compost.
the plant will basically need rain too, so it can drink and then grow into the wild, beautiful living thing it's destined to become. a bit of sunshine here, a bit of sunshine there, both workin in some type of natural harmony.

what i think that poem was trying to say is that : there will be times when you get rained on, when the weather's bleak and perhaps seems never ending. but it simply can't always be about the sunshine. it can't...

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